Studi Dramaturgi Dalam Presentasi Diri Kelompok Jamaah An-Nadzir Kabupaten Gowa

Arianto Arianto


The purpose of this study is to understand the behavior of managing the appearance of self-presentation by the Jamaah An-Nadzir group in a dramaturgy approach, including management of the front stage and backstage of Jamaah An-Nadzir in social life in Gowa Regency. Qualitative research methods in the conception of phenomenological perspectives are used aiming to explore the self-experience of research subjects in symbolic interactions and dramaturgy approaches. Participatory observation and in-depth interviews as the main instruments of research data collection. The results of the study found that the appearance of the self-representation of Jamaah An-Nadzir through a dramaturgy approach appeared on the theatrical stage as "actor." The front stage as a public/social domain and preaching activities. To do that, the use of attributes, such as the turban, robe, beard, and hair that is left long blond in the community. The rear stage has a different appearance with the management of impressions on the front stage. Impression management is a way of supporting membership or unity in family, friends, and neighbors in social interaction, displaying a percentage of yourself wearing a T-shirt, 3/4 shorts, and raising a hat. The theater stage in the context of the social environment of close and intimate individuals such as being at home, workplace, and humorous to reduce the routines of group propaganda activities. Implication of the use of attributes in communication as part of efforts to interpret the surrounding environment, individual behavior, and individual interpersonal communication can strengthen relationships.


Self Presentation, Jamaah An-Nadzir, Dramaturgi Approach


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