Komunikasi Corporate Social Responsibility pada Official Website Perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara

Nurjannah Nurjannah, Suwatno Suwatno, Welsi Damayanti


This study describes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) message on official website of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and features of official website as CSR communication medium. Quantitative content analysis is used as the method. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. This study selected 55 Indonesian SOEs official website. The result shows that state-owned companies have not applied transparency of CSR communication messages on their official website. The study finds that a number of state-owned companies do not present CSR information on their official website. In general, CSR communication on the official website of state-owned companies is limited to presenting information related to government program called Partnership Program and Community Development (PKBL). The official websites of state-owned companies have not utilized potential use of the website as communication medium of CSR. State-owned companies have not fully realized the role of official website as strategic media in conveying CSR communication message.


CSR, communication CSR, website


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