Komunikasi Corporate Social Responsibility untuk Pemberdayaan Peternak Sapi Perah

Natalina Nilamsari, Amiruddin Saleh, Musa Hubeis, Nurmala K Pandjaitan


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices performed by companies in Indonesia have not shown significant results in term of community empowerment. This study aims to analyze the influence of effectiveness of CSR communication factors conducted by Dairy Processing Industry on dairy farmer’s empowerment on Pangalengan, West Java. Survey and simple regression analysis were used as research method. This research had sampled 220 dairy farmers as respondents that received CSR program. The result indicates: a) factors that significantly influenced the knowledge and attitude of the farmers were: farmer’s characteristic, external factor, CSR communicator’s capacity, information quality, and communication channel; b) CSR communicator’s capacity, information quality and communication channel have significant influence on the dairy farmer’s empowerment in Pangalengan, c) the effectiveness of CSR communication has significant influence on the dairy farmer’s empowerment in Pangalengan.


CSR communication, dairy farmer, empowerment


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