Pemberdayaan Perempuan Miskin Kota melalui Pendidikan

Leila Mona Ganiem


This study examines how an empowerment of urban poor women has been done through non-formal education by utilizing existing social forces in society. The study wants to explore underlying reasons of individuals or volunteer as a part of women’s empowerment. The study uses qualitative approach by conducting observation, interviews and collecting secondary data. The result shows that the empowerment has positive impact because it is relevant to the needs of local communities and optimizes the resources owned by local community. Right curriculum that fits with the conditions of society needs is an important issue. The reasons of altruism of the volunteers involved in empowerment are 1) social conditions of the parties empowered, 2) personal value (compassion), 3) having an obligation to help others, 4) Motivation of enrichment and increase self-understanding of social life.


women’s empowerment, non formal education, altruism


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